I’m late to the party on this, as I am on so many things, but:
While I’d obviously been hearing about n+1 for a while, none of what I’d heard interested me enough to track down a copy until recently. And even when I bought the current issue, it was only to read a piece by Jace Clayton/DJ Rupture about the international DJ scene. That was quite good and interesting, and would have been enough for me. But I must say that pretty much the entire magazine has turned out to be an outstanding read.
There’s a series of Q&As at the beginning with an anonymous hedge fund manager that’s completely fascinating and illuminating regarding the current financial situation; Benjamin Kunkel has a good essay on a framework for thinking about internet expression that I’m still pondering; one of the editors wrote an well-thought-out article on food; and, in particular, there’s an essay about Iraq war films by A.S. Hamrah that I found outstanding. There are a number of reasons for this, but the main thing that struck me was just what a great and pleasurable piece of writing it was. It reminded me of the distinction between, say, what I do for a living, and the real thing. Dare I say I found it inspiring?
In any case, I’m motivated to say nice things on this site more often.
So I say: n+1 seems like a great publication. Check it out, if you haven’t already.
… what this site would look like with a huge piece of bacon on top?
Click here, and now you know.
The invaluable tool that makes this possible is here.
To get back to the bacon-free version of Murketing.com, just click your browser’s back button, of course.
Thx: E.
Someone who I met once a few years ago, sends (via what I assume is a blast email to many people, so maybe it’s gotten around already) this.
It encourages you to forgive — you can forgive George Bush, or anyone of your choosing, or both. Here is what results.
I kind of like it. And I certainly like the spirit of it quite a bit.
(The sender works at an agency, or did when I met him, but I think — I hope — this is not related to any branding campaign.)
… for best 2008 presidential election-inspired video on YouTube, is here. It’s only 2 and a half minutes, but it’s pretty great. It’s got my support.
I’m not even going to try to explain how I came upon this, but have you ever wondered: Is there a blog about pince-nez* spectacles — one that “provides advice and debunks myths” regarding this style of eyewear?
The answer is: Of course there is.
And it’s quite informative! The best post, I think, is this one.
[*Pronunciation audio file here.]

That — my new favorite reader, I mean — would be Allen Weaver, for the above Murketing foam finger image. Nothing captures the spirit of Murketing.com like a foam Number One hand. Seriously.
Here at Murketing HQ, we’re particularly fond of one of the newer offerings from Last Exit To Nowhere (a November 17, 2007, Consumed subject).
This time around the imaginary brand is Genco Pura, “the finest Sicilian olive oil.” As you may know, this is a business formed by Mr. Vito Corleone — although it turned out that he had an number of, you know, other interests.
There’s a “continental ladies fitted” version as well.
How can you refuse?
On Arkitip.
Posted Under:
This post was written by Rob Walker on June 30, 2008
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I already pointed to this in the linkroll at right earlier in the week, but let’s just pause to appreciate the existence of a blog about doughnuts. (Via bookofjoe.)
Of recent and not entirely frivolous interest on The Blognut: A Q&A with the cofounder of the outstanding Top Pot Doughnuts, addressing that Seattle-based business’s deal with Starbucks, which I hadn’t realized is apparently nationwide.
It doesn’t take much to make me happy.
<– This is an example. Via Book of Joe.
The previously noted Fragile Salt And Pepper set demonstrated in this short video on Core77.
I do like the idea of breaking something. I mean of breaking something that’s supposed to be broken.
I could see this product being a smash. Ahahahahahahahahaha!
Some time ago now, Rick Prelinger sent me a book he’s put together, The Field Guide to Sponsored Films. (For quick refresher on Mr. Prelinger and his work, see this earlier post.) The book is intended for scholars, and available from the National Film Preservation Foundation. (Click here, then on “cooperative projects,” then on “The Field Guide To Sponsored Films” for more information, including how to request a copy or download one.)
Compiled by Rick Prelinger of the Internet Archive with the help of scores of scholars, collectors, and archivists, The Field Guide to Sponsored Films singles out 452 sponsored motion pictures notable for their historical, cultural, or artistic interest. The 152-page annotated filmography includes indexes, repository information, and links to works viewable online.
I spent a bit of time going through this — not reading every word, but browsing, and reading up on films with interesting titles — and when possible, checking out the actual films via the Internet Archive mentioned above.
In the days ahead I’ll post more about several of the films I watched — and I’m giving this limited-run series the title, “Murketing’s Sponsored-Film Virtual Festival.”
I’ll start later this afternoon.
Meanwhile, I just want to mention one of the films I read about and really wanted to see, but that apparently isn’t available online. Made in 1954,by production company Sarra Inc., it was titled, The Secret of Selling the Negro. (They mean selling to “the negro,” of course.) The Field Guide says: Read more

Lettering Sketchbook, originally uploaded by Linzie Hunter.
Linzie Hunter is the illustrator I wrote about in Consumed whose pieces based on spam subject lines became a bit of an online sensation (12/2/07 installment). Lately she’s posted a really appealing set on Flickr, of her “Lettering Sketchbook.” Two samples here. Fun to look at.

Lettering Sketchbook, originally uploaded by Linzie Hunter.
Posted Under:
This post was written by Rob Walker on April 9, 2008
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Well this pretty cool: Kate Bingaman-Burt, whose drawings of her own credit card statements I’ve written about in the past, is doing a letterpress print — with colors! — edition of 100 of one of those statements. Via Poketo.