Quite possibly the humor/photo blog Crummy Church Signs — “Critical analysis of critically bad church signs” — has been highlighted by Boing Boing or some similar site. But this example, via Ffffound, seemed worth sharing just the same.
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Just Looking
This post was written by Rob Walker on January 14, 2009
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When: Friday, December 12, 5 – 11 PM
Where: pinkcomma, 81B Wareham Street
Core77’s list of 77 Design Gifts Under $77 is noteworthy for a few reasons. First, a couple of the gifts are “Core77 Exclusives,” including this, which I think is my favorite item in the entire roundup:

“These throwing star magnets are perfect for any metallic surface. Post notes on your fridge door, or make your mark wherever you feel outnumbered.” $19, for two magnets in a “ninja-styled shuriken box.”
Also noteworthy: Cyperoptix Tielab makes the list. Murketing.com is a longtime supporter of the Tielab, having interviewed creator Bethany Shorb in this site’s very first “Subculture Inc” Q&A, back in August of 2006. And I’ve bought two of her ties, even though I basically never have reason to wear a tie.
Of course I’m also pleased that Buying In is on the list. Just thought I’d mention that.
Anyway that leaves 74 more entries for you to peruse, here. Plenty of stuff worth checking out. So check it out.
This would be an example of what Friend of Murketing Lucian once called “life imitates Photoshop.” It’s an upside-down planter. Apparently real. Created by Boskke.
Small Smile Ring, via Etsy.
Update: Coolhunting has a post about the designer who made the above ring, here.

I have no further information. Via Hipster Runoff.
Flickr stars Red and Johnny — I noted them once here, and even attempted to get them to do a Q&A, though that didn’t work out* — have moved to a new level by way of a collaboration with Jim Hance.
The image above is a painting by Hance, based on one of R&J’s Flickr pix. $495 for the original; prints $40.
I gather there’s more to come.
Hance’s blog here.
[* “Didn’t work out” = They stopped answering my email!]
Illustrator Brian Coldrick, via Drawn!
(Drawn highlights Coldrick’s Sloth character — worth a peek.)