Requiem for a taste-maker
Posted Under: Murketing,The People's Marketing,The Trend Industry
If there’s been much reaction to the short story “Raj, Bohemiam,” by Hari Kunzru, on the various taste-maker, buzz-creator, cool-ness blogs, I’ve missed it. And that’s a surprise: Given that William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition is such a touchstone in the world, you’d figure a fresh piece of fiction published in The New Yorker and set at the crossroads of cultural capital and commercial persuasion would get some attention.
If you’re interested in that sort of thing, you should read it. The narrator/protagonist is a certified Cool Guy plunged into existential crisis by an encounter with a fellow party-goer with some excellent vodka and a camera phone.
What was a personality if it wasn’t a drop-down menu, a collection of likes and dislikes? And now that my possessions were gone, what would I put in their place? Who was I without my private pressings, my limited editions, my vintage one-offs? How could I signal to potential allies across the vast black reaches of interpersonal space?
Upbeat? Well, no. Good read, though. Here’s the link.
(Big thanks to Brian K. for the tip!)
Reader Comments
When I met you after your panel at SXSWi I meant to tell you about the piece. Kunzru’s older novel, Transmissions, is a great document of global internet culture and fears.
I was not familiar with Kunzru, but I enjoyed this story so much I did a little looking into, and that’s the one that sounded most promising. I will check it out, thanks/ rw
This story made my chest hurt. When I first considered commenting on it I felt a certain revulsion to even talking about it. It feels like thoughts about it should be private. It raises lots of questions and provides no answers.
This story reminds me of how much of a psychological thriller life can feel like when you’re aware and conscious on a mentally active level.