Murk looks at art
So I couldn’t make it to the “Photographs from the New World” opening at jen bekman the other night. But my trusty avatard Murk Story did make it to the version that popped up in Second Life. (See Murk’s prior (thoroughly lame) “adventures” here and here. Actually on second thought, don’t bother.)
After arriving, I thought I’d take a few steps back and take a picture of the gallery. Unfortunately, it was on the edge of a small cliff, and Murk fell off. What an idiot! It took him longer than it should have to levitate back to the proper place, but he finally did. He was rewarded by having the longest Second Life conversation he’s ever had — with Jen Bekman’s avatar!

This wasn’t really in the spirit of the Second Life, given that I already know her. But actually, having a longish, typed exchange with somebody I’ve spoken to a number of times in Real Life was such dorky fun that it reminded me of the Ye Olde days of the Internet. Exciting and stupid at the same time — a special combination.
Anyway, according to Ms. Bekman’s avatar, the RL opening was attended by, among others, the CEO of Linden Labs, who happened to be in town. Read more about the show and photographer James Deavin here.

Evidently, I should have found time to write this up sooner. Murk just went back to the gallery — and it seems to be gone. A guerrilla art show in SL, that’s something, eh? Anyway, I wish Murk had taken better pictures. At least I made good on an earlier promise to say something about art in SL, rather than about retail. [Update: As revealed in the comments below, the galler isn’t gone, it just moved. Here is the new slurl if you want to send your avatard to Hooper (128, 28, 46) for a look around.]
Oh, speaking of which, I also, some weeks back, went to the Adidas store. Luckily, I have nothing to say about it.

Reader Comments
Not gone! Just moved to bigger digs, with a view no less! Come visit us in Hooper:
Hooper (128, 28, 46)
Or try the SLurl to connect directly:
(gallery designed + built by Frank Mikus)
There’s also a jbSL photoset on Flickr.