‘Where Were You?’

Now available, my first zine since the “Letters From New Orleans” ones (which of course later became an actual book).
SFN Products: 008: Where Were You? (2006)
“Where Were You?” has nothing whatsoever to do with marketing, consumer culture, advertising, design, or anything else I write about on this site. But this is, after all, my site.
In a giveaway promotion for Journal of Murketing email subscribers a few moments ago, the three available “promo” copies were snapped up in less than 30 seconds! Doesn’t that make you want one? Even if one of the recipients admitted that he assumed any givewaway at all would go fast and replied before he even know what he was getting a free copy of? Well, doesn’t it?
It’s only a dollar, plus another dollar shipping, so that’s practically free anyway.
“Where Were You?” is a 44-page booklet, priced at $1, plus $1 shipping.* It’s an “edition” of 30 copies only. And what is it?
No longer available!
Or at least, not here. The last couple of copies will be sold only through www.robwalker.net. Click on “Spring 07” if you go there.