Brands in the News: Harley

Posted by Rob Walker on September 13, 2010
Posted Under: America,Appearances,Brands In The News

Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who threatened to burn Korans, rocking a Harley Davidson T-shirt at LaGuardia this weekend.

It’s an iconic American (ativan) brand, y’all.

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Reader Comments

Reminds me of that recent article(s) about seeding brands with uncool Snooki-esque celebs to try to take the brand down. Perhaps a Harley competitor passed that shirt along.

Written By steve portigal on September 13th, 2010 @ 9:48 am

Here are more examples of “involuntary branding”:

Re the jujitsu marketing thing, my two cents was here:

I think this guy’s Harley shirt is pretty good, btw. But it would’ve been better if he were wearing three wolf moon.

Written By Rob Walker on September 13th, 2010 @ 11:38 am

Poor Harley Davidson…sometimes there is such a thing as bad press.

Written By Sherman Unkefer on September 14th, 2010 @ 7:56 pm