Pictures of Stuff, cont’d: Shoppingcart-full
Via JunkCulture:
Part of a series.
Following the recent post here about people in China photographed with their possessions, reader Jay D. hipped me to photojournalist Peter Menzel’s 1990 project Material World, which involved photographs of families around the world and their possessions, and became the basis for a book, and a PBS Nova episode. Some images from the Nova page below. This post is part of an occasional series. (THX, Jay!)
The inexhaustible Junk Culture:
Huang Qingjun and Ma Hongjie … project ‘Family Stuff’ [aims] to portray rural Chinese families and their possessions …. A series of 20 images has been compiled that were exhibited at the 798 Photo Gallery in Beijing in 2007… . In 2011 the project is scheduled to end with a total of 50 pictures and a book.
Part of an occasional series.
Via EverydayTrash. This is household trash, in a glass box, photographed by a French artist named Arman. More info here and here.
Mildly related: Justin Gignac’s garbage in a box.
This post is part of a series.
I have to mention this, and only partly because there is a real live Significant Object in the show:
Poketo & Kitsune Noir present: “Los Angeles, I’m Yours”
April 24th until May 15th
Space 15Twenty Gallery, 1520 N. Cahuenga Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90028From April 24th to May 15th, “Los Angeles I’m Yours” transforms Space 15Twenty Gallery into a living art market. Filled with an eclectic mix of found objects, these vintage pieces are given new life as over 30 artists reinterpret and reincarnate these objects into art.
“Los Angeles, I’m Yours” will create the same joy of the hunt and sensory overload experienced every month at Los Angeles’ famed Rose Bowl outdoor market. Found objects are given new life as an impressive roster of artists will reinterpret and exhibit pieces ranging from vintage glass ware, old vinyl records, antique lamps, and odd knick knacks. Imagine these vintage finds, drawn on, painted on, and manipulated by the artists into a new form.
Public Collectors says: “Scanned from The Plan by Michael Schmelling, 2009, J&L Books, Atlanta. ‘Between 2003 and 2005 Michael Schmelling photographed various homes and apartments in the company of Disaster Masters, a New York-based agency that specializes in cleaning homes and counseling hoarders.’” Via Dinosaurs and Robots.
This would be a non-joyous version of clutter. (Joy and clutter also discussed here, as part of this series; and here on the Aesthetics of Joy blog.)
Disassembled household appliances photographed by Brittny Badger, via the invaluable Junk Culture.
See also Adam Voorhees’ “Exploded” images, noted early on in this series of posts.
I’d been meaning to mention that Lisa Congdon’s Collection A Day blog, mentioned earlier here, is still awesome. The perfect excuse: the below, via Swiss Miss.
This post is part of a series.
I teased this last week — and now it’s here! We’re really excited to announce the latest Significant Objects team-up, resulting in thoroughly affordable art, and another way to support v3 beneficiary Girls Write Now.
The prints you see on this page are available in limited editions from 20×200, Jen Bekman’s online project that sells a dazzling array of prints from an impressive roster of artists, all priced to meet a mission of making art available to all.
The artist is Kate Bingaman-Burt, whose delightful book Obsessive Consumption was just published, and whose combination of thoughtfulness about consumer behavior and mad drawing skills make her our perfect match.
All these prints are created using archival pigment inks on 100% cotton rag paper with a matte finish.
8×10; edition of 200: $20!
Proceeds from the sale of these prints will benefit Girls Write Now, contributing to Significant Object’s grand total donation.
Girls Write Now provides guidance, support, and opportunities for New York City’s underserved or at-risk high school girls, enabling them to develop their creative, independent voices, explore careers in professional writing, and learn how to make healthy choices in school, career and life.
Helga Steppan: “See Through is a series of twelve photographs. In which I audited all my personal belongings and divided them into a full spectrum of colour groupings.”
Part of an occasional series.
Junk Culture: “Stockholm design studio Chen Karlsson created a lamp where treasured objects can be exhibited inside a transparent tank beneath the light source. Called Favourite Things, the design is meant to spotlight objects of importance to the owner.”
Thx: Gabriel. Seen also on Significant Objects. Part of an occasional series.
A Betty Parsons piece made from “carpenters’ throwaways.” Via Junk Culture. Part of an occasional series.
A few images from a Flickr set by sarcoptiform, courtesy of Shawn Wolfe. Part of a series.