Murketing seeks help, part one: Q&A subjects and interviewers

Posted by Rob Walker on February 11, 2008
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Quite frequently in the eight years that I’ve been writing online (going back to the Slate days), I’ve heard from students, graduate and undergraduate, pursuing their studies in a range of fields from design to marketing, cultural studies to anthropology, journalism to business. I’m always pleased when this happens, and it frequently leads to interesting interactions.

For a while now I’ve been wanting to encourage more such interaction in a way that benefits not just me, but such students, and readers of this site. I finally did something about it — took a first step — after an exchange with a student at the Schulich School of Business in Toronto: I asked if she’d be interested in contributing a Q&A to this site. And after a little back and forth about potential ideas (all her ideas, not mine) we settled on something, which will be published here later today.

I’d like to make such Q&As a regular thing here on And so:

  1. If you’re a student involved in a project or research that you think would be of interest to Murketing readers, tell me about it.
  2. If you are aware of such a project or research, and would be interested in putting together a Q&A with the person who is doing it, let me know.

As examples check out this Q&A, and this one, both involving student/class/school projects.

Use murketing AT robwalker DOT net, and put something like “Murketing Help” in the subject line.

Further diversion may be found at MKTG Tumblr, and the Consumed Facebook page.

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