Global Crocism
I get the impression that maybe the Crocs thing (Consumed 7/15/07) has peaked — but on the other hand I keep seeing them on the feet of otherwise respectable-looking people at the grocery store and whatnot. And now Adverblog points out a Japanese site that gathers of Crocs photos — “My Crocs Contest.” Not clear to me how new or old this is, but it seems like bad news for Crocs-haters. Popularity in Japan would, I can only assume, break down the American consumer segment that has most ferociously resisted Crocs — the cool-taste-trend-hunter-spotter-setters.
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In the newest issue of American Rolling Stone there is an ad for Crocs newest product, a high heel they have made (which is actually not so bad). It then proceeds to position the shoe as a beauty coming from ugly parents. I feel like the people at Crocs know there is only so much you can do with a one-trick pony. This new foray into product differentiation illustrates this very well.