Some Wal-Mart video, but not much
Some of the Wal Mart video mentioned yesterday is making it to the airwaves, although so far it’s pretty disappointing.
Both ABC and MSNBC have chosen to highlight a clip of some Wal-Mart guys in drag at what I guess is a shareholder meeting. The spin is that it’s somehow relevant to claims of entrenched sexism in Wal-Mart management, but as far as I can see the networks are running it because it seems funny.
More interesting is this clip that ABC ran of former Wal-Mart board member John Tate shouting in a vaguely crazed manner that unions are “blood-sucking parasites.”
I believe that this is the Flagler YouTube channel, but looks like most of what’s there is more geared toward promoting Flagler than anything else.
[Thanks Braulio for the ABC clips.]