Uniform Distaste

Posted by Rob Walker on October 5, 2006
Posted Under: Fandom,Pleasing,The Designed Life

While I basically detest the New York Mets, I’m sympathetic to their fans who feel that:

The addition of black to the team’s color palette in 1998 betrayed and disrupted this proud aesthetic history, transforming the franchise from one of baseball’s best-looking teams into one of its ugliest…

That language comes from an online petition that vigorously protests the use of black in the the team’s uniform, “call[ing] upon the ownership, management, and equipment staff of the New York Mets to DITCH THE BLACK and reinstate blue to its rightful place of chromatic supremacy in the team’s color scheme. It’s time to restore the club’s aesthetic heritage and make the Mets a team we can all be proud to look at once again.” There are already more than 800 signatures, and I’m thinking that number will grow.

Who could be behind this project? There can be only one answer.

Update (10/8): NYT story on Ditch The Black. (Highlight: “To Mr. Lukas, the change bordered on sartorial sacrilege. ‘It would be like if in Washington they decided that the red, white and blue is a little outdated, and maybe we should change the red to a burgundy.'”

Further diversion may be found at MKTG Tumblr, and the Consumed Facebook page.

Reader Comments

LOL. I’m really surprise about this. I really don’t mind the black color. I do remember in one of the Mets boardcast games, some broadcaster said that the Mets have a better record wearing black and I think they got that info from the equipment manger.

Written By Neleee on October 5th, 2006 @ 8:02 pm

Maybe aesthetics are more important than winning sometimes? But only a Mets fan could answer that. . .

Written By murketing on October 7th, 2006 @ 12:25 pm

Winning is imporant over aesthetics. Blue, Orange, Black, Gray, White, Green, or Retro. Who cares! It’s a team uniform. Really, is the colors of the team uniform going to decide who the best team in the National League is, NO.

Written By Neleee on October 9th, 2006 @ 10:58 am
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