Posted Under: Non-Daily Linkpile
- World’s Worst Person Decides To Go Into Marketing: “Either that, or PR.” Onion brief explains.
- How talentless celebrities stay famous: “The desire to find common ground pushes us to discuss already popular people.”
- Michael Jackson: Industrial designer: “He dominated many forms of media, but who knew that he also holds a patent? One of the iconic moves from his ‘Smooth Criminal’ music video is when all the dancers lean forward at an impossible angle. In the video this was acheived with wires. Jackson’s innovation was the development of special shoes along with a support system hidden under the stage enabilng the move in a live show. Very clever.”
- The world’s best-selling poster: Q: “What type of product is Farrah to be selling on the poster?” A: “We want to sell Farrah on the Farrah poster.” Story of the iconic image, and the surprisingly squalid tale of the company that created it. Via
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