Posted Under: Non-Daily Linkpile
- Privileged Little Artiste Writing Something Oh-So-Precious Into His Moleskine Notebook: “These are much higher quality than the notebooks you find at CVS,” lilted the auteur, who couldn’t be bothered to usedare it be saida journal of lesser craftsmanship or pedigree. On The Onion, via Moleskinerie.
- Compulsive Hoarding: “Experts estimate that as much as 2% of the population meets the criteria, a group that spans all education and income levels.”
- Sales of ‘The Beatles: Rock Band’ aren’t so fab: Says USA Today. Game was expected to sell 1 million in first month; sold 595,000.
- Pandora and authentic taste: “One possibility is that these two ways of conceiving musical taste are incommensurable, irreconcilable, what Žižek calls a parallax. It’s not that one explanation is an ideological cover-up for the other, real reason—these are two separate explanations that are perhaps operating simultaneously, and we oscillate between them in comprehending ourselves, forming our consciousness of what we want to appeal to us.”
- Tweets about Pandora story: From other people, not from me.
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