Posted Under: Non-Daily Linkpile
- The Age of Early Self-Conception: “Social network people say that the profile we look at the most is our own. We are very interested in how we present ourselves to the world. But perhaps more important, we are interested in trying to figure out ourselves.”
- The “Quit Facebook” Meme and More: “Sociologists obviously have a lot to say about Zuckerberg’s absurd proclamation about unitary, singular identity, which seems to fly in the face of virtually everything ever deduced about human social behavior…. But Zuckerberg is wrong. We present different identities in different contexts—the narcissistic one anchored to a public persistent profile is a (klonopin) new thing related to the post-postmodern idea of the self as brand.”
- The secret to creativity: “Proust said original books were the offspring of ‘darkness and silence’, but there’s not so much secret inspiration today. Can creativity flourish in the age of the internet where all is exposed?”
- Generatus | Social Networking Status Generator: If you can’t think of anything to say, this will do it for you.
- New Google Phone Service Whispers Targeted Ads Directly Into Users’ Ears: Onion video.
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