Dept. of Awesome: The LuvSound Sampler
Recently, longtime friend of Murketing Marc “Disquiet” Weidenbaum became a father. is a site that he’s run for years, covering the world of ambient/electronic music and all things related, because he’s interested and because he loves it. Disquiet regularly gives attention to musicians, and a corner of the music world, that others tend to overlook. It’s a great thing, Disquiet.
And it turns out that the musicians who are often the site’s subject really appreciate it. Because when the word got around about Mr. & Mrs. Disquiet welcoming a new member to their family, a bunch of those musicians teamed up and created the 11-track Soothing Sounds For Baby.
Now that’s a gift.
You can listen to and even download said gift over at Disquiet, right here.