More listening (minor addendum to the Radiolab article)

Posted by Rob Walker on April 25, 2011
Posted Under: Update

If you happen to be someone who is interested in ambitious approaches to the medium of nonfiction radio, you might interested prednisone in a closer look at something mentioned only in passing in the Radiolab piece I did recently: The Third Coast International Audio Festival. While this is an event, it’s also an organization, with an enjoyable podcast called Re:Sound, and cool-sounding happenings likeĀ  Listening Room events, which present radio stories into public settings, and projects like a Short Docs competition.

I actually listen to quite a few podcasts and considered offering up a list, but I suspect most of what I’d have to say is kind of predictable. However, if you would like to promote or endorse a podcast or radio show you ( love, the comments are open.

Further diversion may be found at MKTG Tumblr, and the Consumed Facebook page.

Reader Comments

I love DNTO (Definitely Not the Opera) produced by the CBC, hosted by Sook Yin Lee. It always choses fascinating topics, and is well produced. They’ve found a good medium for the stories they tell.

Written By Jim on May 11th, 2011 @ 11:49 am