Kindle quiz: Should there be a Kindle version of Buying In?
Posted Under: Buying In (the book)
A friend of Murketing, and a fan of the Kindle, has asked me if there will be a version of Buying In for that device. The answer is I have no idea, but I’m guessing that if there were plans for that my publisher would have to told me.
And before I ask my publisher about this, I want to gauge whether anybody else has any interest in the format. I don’t have a Kindle, although I understand the appeal in an abstract way (I think).
So I ask you: Anybody interested in this format? Please reply in the comments, not to me directly. If there’s much response, I’ll bring it to the publisher’s attention.
If there isn’t, then I won’t.
Thanks as always.
Reader Comments
My initial reaction to Kindle was – NO. I want the feel of a real book and like turning pages. But, at the same time, I have boxes of books that I’ve read- shelves of ones I might re-read or share. Hardcover, paperback, all shapes and sizes. But for the most part they just sit there. Gone are the days where a meeting takes place in one’s personal library. There is no status accomplished with my collection. So why not Kindle? I suppose if I had one, I’d be touting its virtues.
I would think that some of the people reading your book would be interested in such a thing. But how many people own Kindles at this point? Does it hurt to have the book available in this format. Probably not. But, if it’s a hassle or loses money, I wouldn’t bother.