Coffee, free books, and the likeminded…

Posted by Rob Walker on May 14, 2008
Posted Under: Buying In (the book)

Do you live in one of the cities marked on the map above?

Are you a fan of PSFK and/or Noah Brier? Or, far less likely, of my work?

You might consider attending this Friday’s Likemind meeting. Likemind is a recurring coffee get together of “people like you” in a large number of cities. Details about where and when to show up in all these various cities is here. And the thing is:

Likemind coffee morning takes place this Friday [May 16] around the world. As a special treat for those of you in North America, Rob Walker & Random House were kind enough to supply early copies of Rob’s new book “Buying In: The Secret Dialogue Between What We Buy & Who We Are” (until the books run out). Coffee in the US and Canada is also paid for by Random House (until the money runs out).

A little more here and here.

I’m certainly interested in and excited by the general idea of all these people getting and maybe starting conversations about the book — and before the pub date, no less. Lots of cities there, so I hope some of you can and will take advantage.

Is this post shameless self-promotion? Of course it is. Guess what? I think it’s a good book, and I think everybody should read it.


New: Links to reviews of, references to, and riffs off Buying In here.

— > Reminder: First four chapters & discount advance ordering offer at

Further diversion may be found at MKTG Tumblr, and the Consumed Facebook page.

Reader Comments

Whoa, image glitch. The likemind image (BTW, I’m going to the NY event on Friday) has changed to PSFK’s Shepard Fairey image. Rob, might want to check your links.

Written By Rick Liebling on May 15th, 2008 @ 3:58 pm

Yikes! Thanks, I have fixed. My mistake.

Hey have a good time at the NY event, I am very curious how this will all work out!

Written By Rob Walker on May 15th, 2008 @ 4:10 pm

Where you going to be? Or was that a clever red herring to throw me off, and in fact you’ll be at s’nice in disguise, observing as we all critique the book, and by extension, you.

Written By Rick Liebling on May 15th, 2008 @ 4:33 pm

Wow, that’s a great idea!

No red herring intended though. I don’t live anywhere near NYC anymore, but I will be up there for a no-disguise event in June. Details will emerge soon on that.

Anyway by how this will all work out, I just meant the whole multi-city nature of Likemind, combined with the book, I think it’s an experiment for them as much for as for my publisher, and I hope it works out well for all….

Written By Rob Walker on May 15th, 2008 @ 5:00 pm

Likemind sounds great, but any advice for those of us who don’t live near one of those coffee cups of culture?

Also, I’m shocked and dismayed by your blatant self-promotion. j.kidding.

Written By Jonathan Bloom on May 16th, 2008 @ 9:16 am

Just returned from the Mpls. Likemind and I GOT THE LAST BOOK. Phew. Great people. Don’t think I fit in too well but it made for an interesting discussion.

Written By Lisa @ Corporate Babysitter on May 16th, 2008 @ 11:57 am

Alas, I read the post on PFSK about 7 hours too late. The Cols location was a good choice.

Written By Bryan Loar on May 16th, 2008 @ 3:41 pm

Checked out Likemind Chicago for the first time and met some great people. Look forward to the advance read of the book. The topic is one that hits home quite a bit with me.

@ Jonathan
Start a Likemind in your area, doesn’t seem like there’s much to it other than picking a place and letting people know about it.

Written By BWJ on May 16th, 2008 @ 6:17 pm

Jonathan: I’m afraid I don’t have any advice other than, you know, buy it! (But you knew I’d say that, given my self-promo habits) .

I’ve actually been wondering if we just gave books to essentially my entire potential audience. That wouldn’t be good.

Looking forward to hearing what people think of it, just same …

Thanks all/ rw

Written By Rob Walker on May 19th, 2008 @ 11:16 am

Having a special little set of links about the book is kind of genius. I am totally stealing the idea for my book. Added Buying in to some Amazon Listmania action tonight.

Written By Jennifer Perkins on May 21st, 2008 @ 12:56 am
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