
Posted by Rob Walker on February 22, 2007
Posted Under: Uncategorized

I’ve mentioned before how living in Savannah, close to Fort Stewart, means that we see a lot more local-news-angle coverage of the Iraq war. Here’s an interesting example from yesterday’s Savannah Morning News, courtesy of E:

This article notes that “war games” are getting underway at Fort Stewart for 3rd Infantry Division soldiers who are preparing to deploy. This includes a “two-week mission rehearsal,” which will happen in the pine woods near the base, where trainers will “recreate an Iraqi province.” From what I gather, the normal procedure would be to send the troops out to California, to train at “mocked-up Iraqi villages” in the Mojave Desert. But partly for time reasons, trainers from the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, in California, have come here:

Fort Irwin’s 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment will act as insurgent forces, using simulated live-fire and roadside bombs. Trainers and observers will gauge how well soldiers operate in combat situations and interact with Iraqi community leaders.

About 250 Iraqi-American actors will portray a mix of Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds.

The clothing they wear, the food they cook, and their customs and language are designed to replicate Iraqi society, said Fort Irwin spokesman John Wagstaffe.

So, what we’re most curious about, of course, is the 250 Iraqi-American actors. What are their lives like? How did they get this gig? Is it a good thing to do? Do they have the right mix of people so that actual Sunnis “portray” Sunnis, etc.? What do they do in their down time?

Further diversion may be found at MKTG Tumblr, and the Consumed Facebook page.

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